MACC Annual State of the City Luncheon Join us for our Annual State of the City Luncheon when City of Mentor City Manager Ken Filipiak speaks to us about the past year and upcoming plans for the future. This is always one of our biggest events of the year... read more
NEW CHAMBER OFFERING! Chamber Reads-MACC Book Club Looking to drive your sales and growth? Looking for a professional development opportunity? Want to have a good time doing it? We are excited to announce the rollout of Chamber Reads, our Mentor Ch... read more
Scholarship Opportunity Our MACC Foundation Scholarship Application is open to any senior attending a Mentor area high school or children of Mentor Chamber members planning to attend college or a vocational program in the fall. All applications a... read more
Mark Your Calendars! Below you will find the MACC events for 2025. So many great events to attend including our Monthly Meetings, Volunteer Opportunities, Golf Outing, Women In Business Events, Yappy Hour, Glow Golf Tournament, Taste of Mentor, Chamber ... read more
We’d like to thank our 2025 Platinum Partners for their support! Thanks to them, we are able to put on the programs and events that support all of our chamber members!
Advertise With Us We are accepting ads to be distributed in an email blast to our mailing list. For $75, you will receive an exclusive email blast. For more information, contact Kelly Voase at
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent semper bibendum bibendum. Mauris suscipit convallis ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent sempe... read more
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent semper bibendum bibendum. Mauris suscipit convallis ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent sempe... read more
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent semper bibendum bibendum. Mauris suscipit convallis ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent sempe... read more
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent semper bibendum bibendum. Mauris suscipit convallis ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec nisi vitae nisi vulputate porta. Praesent sempe... read more